Almost 36,000 drivers in Northern Ireland were caught speeding over the past 5 years - 30mph was the most common speed limit to be broken

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Almost 36,000 drivers in Northern Ireland were caught speeding over the past 5 years.

And more than 5,000 of those were caught in 2023, new data from reveals.

They add that 30mph was the most common speed limit to be broken in Northern Ireland over the last 5 years.

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Data shows how almost 15,000 drivers were caught during this time.

Speed camera vanSpeed camera van
Speed camera van

They say that it’s clear from the latest data that speeding continues to be a massive problem on UK roads. That’s as 2.1 million drivers were caught up and down the country in 2023 alone.

But are drivers aware how fast they're going? sent a Freedom of Information request to UK police forces in relation to speeding offences over the past 5 years.

Since 2019, almost 15,000 drivers were caught exceeding the 30mph speed limit, with more than 1,700 of these caught last year.

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Sgt Ted Hughes with the speed camera during Operation StormSgt Ted Hughes with the speed camera during Operation Storm
Sgt Ted Hughes with the speed camera during Operation Storm

More than 12,000 drivers were also caught exceeding limits of 50mph or higher over the past 5 years, sparking real cause for concern.

It’s a similar picture across the UK, as data gathered by shows how more than 9 million drivers have been caught for speeding since 2019.

When looking at reasons why drivers speed, the most common responses were:

  • Not knowing the speed limit (32%)
  • Driving with the flow of traffic at the time (28%)
  • Thinking there wouldn’t be police or cameras (14%)
  • Being distracted (12%)
  • Being in a rush to get to work (11%)