Independence Scotland: When is Nicola Sturgeon speaking ahead of indyref campaign launch today?

The First Minister will launch a fresh campaign on Scottish independence today as the first of a new series of papers on the issue will be published.

The first of a series of papers designed to make the case for independence will be launched today by Nicola Sturgeon alongside Scottish Government Minister and Scottish Green Party Co-Leader Patrick Harvie.

The paper is expected to detail how neighbouring European countries comparable to Scotland use their full powers of independence to tailor policies to their own specific circumstances and “in doing so achieve better economic and social outcomes than the UK”.

Here is all you need to know ahead of the announcement.

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Nicola Sturgeon will set out the first of a series of papers which will outline the arguments for an independent Scotland (Picture: Jeff J Mitchell/WPA pool/Getty Images).Nicola Sturgeon will set out the first of a series of papers which will outline the arguments for an independent Scotland (Picture: Jeff J Mitchell/WPA pool/Getty Images).
Nicola Sturgeon will set out the first of a series of papers which will outline the arguments for an independent Scotland (Picture: Jeff J Mitchell/WPA pool/Getty Images).

What time is Nicola Sturgeon’s announcement?

The FM alongside the Greens co-leader will speak from Bute House in Edinburgh on Tuesday, June 14 and her statement is scheduled to begin at around 11am.

Where can I watch Nicola Sturgeon’s announcement?

The statement will be live-streamed via the Scottish Government Twitter account.

The Scotsman will also be running the latest stories on the announcement as it happens so check out for all your latest updates on the issue.

What is being announced?

The new documents are seen as an update on the independence white paper published in the run-up to the 2014 referendum.

The document we can expect today has been described as a ‘scene setter’ and is entitled 'Wealthier, Happier, Fairer: Why Not Scotland?'

This will compare Scotland and the UK to other European countries and set out why the government believes the country would be better off if it were independent.

Ms Sturgeon said while “having the full powers of independence does not guarantee a better future” for Scotland, it is “striking just how successful” countries that are similar to Scotland are in comparison with the UK.

Speaking ahead of the launch of the first paper, the FM added: “The Building a New Scotland series will set out openly the challenges a newly independent Scotland would face, how they could be overcome as well as the opportunities that come with independence – as demonstrated by the success of comparable independent nations as well as our own resources and talents.”

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Ms Sturgeon said subsequent papers would look at a number of areas including currency, tax and spend, defence, social security and pensions and EU membership and trade.

The FM said a bill to bring about the referendum, or a timescale for putting forward a bill, would also be set out shortly.

The first referendum on Scottish independence took place on 18 September 2014 when 55% of voters said "No" to the change while 45% said "Yes".

Sturgeon has repeatedly made clear she wants a referendum before the end of 2023. The Scottish Government faces a constitutional showdown with Downing Street, which has repeatedly insisted it will not grant a Section 30 order to pave the way for a second vote.

Ms Sturgeon has insisted her government had a mandate to hold a further ballot, and accused the UK government of respecting neither democracy nor the rule of law.

Supporters of the Union have accused the Scottish government of being obsessed with independence.



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